Shopify Apps

14 Best Shopify Rewards and Loyalty Program Apps [2024]

Last updated on

July 23, 2024

When your customers are satisfied, your business grows. But how can you ensure that your customers are satisfied? You have to constantly meet or even exceed their expectations as well as provide quality customer experiences. You need to ensure that you retain your existing customers, which is quite easier compared to acquiring new customers.

One effective way of retaining customers is through surprise rewards. According to statistics, 94% of customers are likely to be more intrigued by the company if they receive an unexpected gift.

What does this mean? It means that when you set up Shopify rewards and loyalty program, you are likely to retain a lot of customers. 

Setting up a Shopify rewards system shows customers that your business isn’t just about more sales and profits, but also about customer appreciation. You’ll need a reward and loyalty program app to set up a rewards system for your store. So, let’s uncover some of the best Shopify rewards and loyalty program apps. 👇

What Does a Customer Loyalty Program Entail?

For starters, what is customer loyalty? Well, it refers to the willingness of a customer to repeatedly purchase from a store. For instance, if you have customers who consistently purchase products from your store, that is customer loyalty.

But it is not easy to come by since there has to be consistent and positive customer satisfaction and experience. To retain customers, you can come up with a customer loyalty program for your Shopify store.

The program is designed to reward customers who often buy products from your Shopify store. Some of the rewards you can give through the customer loyalty program include:

  • Access to unreleased products
  • Coupons or discounts
  • Free products
  • Free shipping
  • Redeemable shopping points

Benefits of a Customer Loyalty Program

Now that you know what a customer loyalty program is, it’s time to find out why you need such a program. Knowing the benefits might probably motivate you to set up a Shopify loyalty program. 

Here are the advantages you gain:

  • You get to retain your existing customers. This is the main purpose of a customer loyalty program.
  • You also get to acquire new customers even though it is quite difficult compared to retaining existing customers. A customer who visits your store for the first time and sees a reward for every referral might just be motivated to invest in your store.
  • You get to identify your best product influencers, especially through referrals.
  • A loyalty program gives you an edge over other stores that are competing for the same customers.
  • When you have people marketing your products on your behalf through referrals, you spend less on advertising costs. 

Reviewing the 14 Best Rewards and Loyalty Program Apps for Shopify

1.Loloyal: Loyalty and Referral

by Channelwill

Many Shopify merchants are looking for a comprehensive software solution that integrates various features to enhance customer loyalty. Loloyal is an easy-to-use loyalty and referral program app that offers multiple reward options such as discounts, free products, free shipping, and coupons to encourage repeat purchases and referrals. It also helps in community building and marketing by managing valued customers’ data with diverse VIP tiers. With Loloyal, merchants can easily set up and manage loyalty programs, incentivizing customers to stay engaged and boosting both customer retention and sales.

Key Features (Pros):

  • Featured functions: pop-up, points labels, points and rewards expiration, time-limited offers, and customizable email notifications.
  • Custom CSS for expanded flexibility with beautiful templates in widget themes for easy initialization 
  • Flexible and cost-effective pricing: more affordable pricing compared to competitors while offering the same features and higher order volumes. 
  • 24/7 Live Customer Support: rapid response times and enhanced problem-solving capabilities and speed 


  • No loyalty page 
  • No Public API or webhooks

Rating: 4.9/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: Free, Starter ($29/month), Growth ($69/month), and Plus ($299/month). A 7-day free trial is also available.

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2. BON Loyalty Rewards Referrals

Are you struggling to keep your customers coming back? Do you want to turn your customers into loyal brand advocates?  BON Loyalty - the top-rated Shopify loyalty app is the game-changer your Shopify store needs. 

With some basic steps, no code required, you can effortlessly set up a complete and powerful loyalty program. BON offers you unlimited ways to create rewards, allows you to expand your customer base with a referral program, keeps customers posted with automatic emails, and many more interesting features!

Key Features: 

  • Easily creating 18 points-earning rules and unlimited redemption rules
  • Customizable VIP membership programs to reward your most loyal customers
  • Attractive limited-time points offer and Points on product page features to encourage customers to make a purchase immediately
  • Engaging a referral system to expand your customer base
  • Seamless integration of other Shopify apps namely Klaviyo,, LAI Product Review, Fera, PageFly, OneMobile.
  • Support for over 250 languages, making it a global solution

Rating: 4.9/5

Pricing: Free forever, Basic ($25), Growth ($99), Professional ($349)

Let’s discover how BON Loyalty can transform your customer retention strategy with its advanced, customizable features.

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3. Referral Candy

by ReferralCandy

Referral Candy by ReferralCandy

Many Shopify e-commerce entrepreneurs have been relying on ReferralCandy to set up a reward management system in their stores. This app allows you to monitor sales that arise from referrals and subsequently helps you reward the customer's responsibility.

The app features a reliable customer success team that is always willing to give you optimization tips. ReferralCandy also features a refer-a-friend program which works by rewarding customers with cash or discounts when they refer their friends.

ReferralCandy also detects suspicious transactions and alerts you to manage fraud. 

Key Features (Pros)

  • Tracks top sales and referrals to help you optimize your store.
  • Automatic rewards for customers who successfully refer their friends.
  • Seamlessly integrates with your existing marketing apps like ad retargeting, email marketing, and Google Analytics.
  • Manage referral fraud through referral disqualification and customer bans.
  • Run an automated affiliate marketing program.


  • It lacks thorough HTML customization.
  • Does not provide stage-based (progressive) referral incentives.

Rating: 4.9/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: PREMIUM PLAN ($49/month) and PLUS ($299/month). 

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4. UX Bundle

by GoAffPro

UX Bundle by GoAffPro

Have you been wondering how you can get your customers hooked to your store? Well, UX Bundle offers you everything you might need to effectively and successfully set up a loyalty program. On top of that, you also get to manage your product reviews.

Referral tasks increase the engagement between customers and your store. This is because customers will be constantly looking out for referral tasks so that they can get the associated rewards. As a result, they might also be motivated to purchase from your store

Repeat purchases from the store thus enhancing customer loyalty and your store’s traffic.

Key Features (Pros)

  • The app is multilingual as it features about 18 different languages.
  • It allows the creation of multiple loyalty programs for diverse audiences.
  • It features powerful custom JS & CSS integrations which enable you to fully customize the program.
  • FAQ and reviews management system which allows you to track customer feedback.
  • You also get access to full branding capabilities.
  • It also provides scratch cards that you can use to surprise customers.

Rating: 4.7/5.0

Pricing: Free

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5. Growave: Loyalty, Wishlist +3

by Growave

Growave: Loyalty, Wishlist +3 by Growave

Have you been struggling to engage customers in your Shopify store? Well, competition in the e-commerce sector is quite stiff these days thus you have to do extra to meet customers’ expectations. Being one of the best Shopify rewards apps, Growave offers you an opportunity to create an engaging online shopping experience while also boosting the conversion rate.

The app features UGC, loyalty points, reviews, and rewards that help you engage your customers more. The loyalty program, additionally, features VIP tiers that help you reward the most loyal clients.

Furthermore, when new customers visit your store and find reward milestones, they become more motivated to buy products to get the rewards. As a result, you get to appreciate customers with rewards while also gaining traffic to your store.

Key Features (Pros)

  • A referral program that appreciates customers when they refer family, friends, or audiences on social media to your store.
  • Gift cards are instrumental in growing sales.
  • Seamlessly integrates with Point of Sale and Shopify Flow.
  • Allows customization and personalization.
  • Multi-language support.


  • UI and navigation can be confusing at times

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: BASIC ($9/month), STARTER ($19/month), MEDIUM ($49/month), and ENTERPRISE ($299/month). A 30-day free trial is also available.

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6. Loyalty, Reviews, Email & More

by AiTrillion

Loyalty, Reviews, Email & More by AiTrillion

If you are looking for a Shopify loyalty program app that has it all, AiTrillion should be your first choice. This app features more than 11 powerful features which are very crucial in boosting sales (including during BFCM) as well as maximizing your store engagement and customer retention.

Some of these features include affiliate marketing, email marketing, form builder, loyalty programs, membership, pop-ups, product reviews, and much more! The best edge this app has over others is that it allows you to import your data from other loyalty program apps.

You can import data from Bold, Growave, Loyalty Lion,, and many others.

Key Features (Pros)

  • Increase conversions by displaying real-time product recommendations on the cart page, home page, and product page.
  • Powerful, customizable pop-ups to capture customers’ information.
  • Automated web push notifications to capture real-time customer behavior and intent.
  • Automated review requests to capture customer feedback.
  • Smart email marketing automation to drive sales.
  • VIP tiered loyalty programs to motivate customers.


  • No customized pricing hence can be quite expensive.

Rating: 4.6/5.0

Pricing: Free to install

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7. Glow: Loyalty Points & Rewards

by Glow Loyalty

Glow: Loyalty Points & Rewards by Glow Loyalty

Glow Loyalty is a popular Shopify reward program app among thousands of stores. The app was built to seamlessly integrate with your store as it turns first-time visitors into recurring customers.

Glow features powerful tools that enable you to run a successful Shopify customer rewards program at affordable prices. What’s more, you get to enjoy some of these powerful features even while using the free plan.

Glow also allows you to run the rewards program both in-store and online. The upside of using an in-store loyalty program is that it increases your store’s traffic and conversions.

Key Features (Pros)

  • You don’t need coding skills to set up and run the app.
  • Glow has a dedicated customer service team that helps you come up with a successful loyalty program.
  • It features redeemable loyalty points that help you motivate customers and gain their confidence.
  • VIP tiered program to appreciate your best customers.
  • Mobile responsive and fully dynamic which means that it’s easy for customers to navigate.
  • Allows you to translate into any language for different customers.


  • The free plan is limited to 50 members only hence not very efficient.

Rating: 4.5/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: FREE, SPROUT ($9/month), STARTUP ($29/month), and TRACTION ($59/month). A 7-day free trial is also available.

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8. Rivo: Rewards, Loyalty Program

by Rivo

Rivo: Rewards, Loyalty Program by Rivo

Built to increase your repeat sales and customer retention, this reward and loyalty app is a great solution to stay ahead of your competition. It is essential to know and understand that the growth of your business largely relies on customers’ trust. Rivo helps you build the level of trust customers have in your Shopify store.

This app automatically sets up a loyalty program where customers earn rewards when they complete certain milestones. Part of the rewards includes getting rewards for every referral made to friends or family or social media audiences. 

Key Features (Pros)

  • Seamlessly fits into Shopify as you don’t require coding skills.
  • Live chat support that operates 24/7.
  • Points-based rewards system which automatically rewards clients based on points earned.
  • Referrals program that is instrumental in boosting traffic.
  • Allows you to customize everything to match your brand.


  • Relatively expensive compared to most loyalty program apps.

Rating: 4.9/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: 100% FREE FOREVER, STARTER ($34/month), GROWTH ($129/month), and PREMIUM ($429/month). A 7-day free trial is also available.

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9. Ekoma: Loyalty, Referrals, VIP

by Ekoma

Ekoma: Loyalty, Referrals, VIP by Ekoma

Ekoma is just what you need to maximize customer engagement and grow your business successfully. This app comes with tools like a point loyalty program, referral program, Shopify POS integration, and VIP program which help you create an engaging shopping experience.

You can easily create a working relationship with your customers thus increasing your store’s conversion rate. Satisfying clients in this competitive e-commerce space is not easy. But Ekoma offers you the necessary tools to connect with your customers.

Happy customers translate into more referrals which means more sales and profits.

Key Features (Pros)

  • Integrates with other Shopify loyalty apps like thus making it easy for you to shift.
  • It fits seamlessly into your Shopify Point of Sale (POS).
  • Allows you to reward customers using the points program when they share links via social media or place orders or review products.
  • Allows you to reward customers through the referral program when they invite friends to your store.
  • It features a VIP program for your top customers.


  • Replies from the customer support team might take longer.

Rating: 4.3/5.0 

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: STARTING (Free), GROWING ($29/month), and SCALING ($99/month). A 14-day free trial is also available.

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10. Gift Cards & Loyalty Program


Gift Cards & Loyalty Program by

This loyalty program by is one of the best there is on the Shopify platform. This app features premium features such as automated bulk gift vouchers, affiliate marketing, free re-platforming, and many more.

It is a common app among Shopify Plus merchants which means that it is very efficient and reliable. The app allows you to utilize gift cards to drive visitors to your store and turn them into long-term customers.

Key Features (Pros)

  • Customers receive digital gift cards directly in their emails.
  • Offers gift cards that can be used across multiple stores (multi-channel ability).
  • No charges for migrating gift cards.
  • Integrates affiliate marketing into the loyalty program.
  • Automated bulk gift vouchers and cards.


  • Slightly expensive pricing plans.

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: STARTER ($19.99/month), SMALL-BUSINESS ($59.99/month), PRO ($199.99/month), and PREMIUM ($599.99/month). A 7-day free trial is also available.

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11.  Smile: Loyalty & Rewards


Smile: Loyalty & Rewards by

If you have been looking for a powerful reward and points system app to help you increase traffic, look no further! Smile helps you set up a loyalty program that lets you appreciate clients through points and rewards.

This app helps you scale up customer loyalty and engagement with your brand. Additionally, the app also sets up a program that rewards customers when they donate to an NGO or leave a review.

Key Features (Pros)

  • Reliable expert support team that helps you set up a loyalty program seamlessly.
  • Allows you to customize the loyalty program.
  • Powerful online reminders to maximize customer engagement.
  • You can add personalized details to the loyalty program.
  • Documents, guides, and videos are readily available on YouTube to help you understand how the app works.


  • Pricing plans are slightly on the higher side.

Rating: 4.8/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: FREE, STARTER ($49/month), GROWTH ($199/month), and PRO ($599/month).

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12. Loyalty, rewards & referrals

by LoyaltyLion

Loyalty, rewards & referrals by LoyaltyLion

This app helps online store owners like you enhance customer engagement with their brands. It lets you fully customize your loyalty program to meet customers' expectations.

Your customers get points when they purchase products, review products, refer their friends to your store, or follow your social media accounts. One standout feature is that you can personalize rewards such as birthday discounts hence optimizing customer loyalty.

Key Features (Pros)

  • Email support, live chat, and support documentation to help you set up successfully.
  • Integrates with Shopify Flow and Point of Sale.
  • Data analytics and insights to help you monitor the progress of your loyalty program.
  • Personalized loyalty rewards and points to motivate customers to shop more.
  • VIP program to reward the most loyal customers.


  • Limited integrations except for the classic and advanced plans.

Rating: 4.3/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: FREE PLAN, SMALL BUSINESS ($159/month), CLASSIC ($399/month), and ADVANCED ($699/month). 

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13. Stamped Loyalty & Referrals


Stamped Loyalty & Referrals by is another best customer rewards apps for Shopify. With this app you get 3-in-1 rewards programs i.e. points rewards program, referral rewards program, and VIP rewards program. The app successfully optimizes customer loyalty while also increasing sales.

It features powerful tools such as the referral program, VIP tiers, and AI-powered points and rewards which help you optimize the customer shopping experience.’s referral program enables you to acquire or retain high-value customers.

Key Features (Pros)

  • It offers a dedicated reward page where customers can interact with your rewards program.
  • 100% responsive and mobile-optimized so no need to worry about device compatibility.
  • You can manually make adjustments to customers’ points and rewards.
  • Fully customizable to match your brand.
  • Allows you to set up reminders for expiring rewards or points earned.


  • The customer support team takes a long to reply.
  • Slightly on the expensive side.

Rating: 4.0/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: LITE (Free), PREMIUM ($59/month), BUSINESS ($179/month), and PROFESSIONAL ($479/month).

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14. Bold Loyalty Points & Rewards


Bold Loyalty Points & Rewards by BOLD

The app creates a loyalty program where customers earn points from product reviews, purchases, signing up, and social media referrals.

It also allows you to set up automated email notifications which notify customers about points and rewards. As a result, customers get motivated to shop recurrently.

The points that customers earn can be redeemed for discounts, free shipping, or custom rewards such as VIP access to limited-edition products.

Key Features (Pros)

  • A referral program that incentivizes clients when they refer their friends to your store.
  • Customizable widgets that display rewards to customers.
  • Seamless integration with Shopify Point of Sale.
  • Allows you to set up points multiplier campaigns which motivate clients to shop more to rack up points for better rewards.
  • Integrates with Bold Brain to track customers’ engagement with your store.


  • It takes too long to set up different tiers.
  • Relatively expensive compared to other apps.

Rating: 3.7/5.0

Pricing: Pricing plans are as follows: FREE, STARTER ($29/month), GROWTH ($199/month), and ENTERPRISE ($499/month).

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Should you Look Out for in a Reward and Loyalty Program App?

When looking for the best loyalty apps for Shopify, here are some of the things you should look for:

  • Ensure that the app is easy to use. The signup process should be very simple.
  • The app should allow customers to easily share their shopping experiences on different social media platforms.
  • The app should have a professional and reliable support team.
  • It should open to display promotional offers to increase conversions.
  • It should feature personalized offers and rewards to appreciate top customers.

Wrapping Up

As an eCommerce business, you consistently need to upgrade your rewards programs to retain your existing customers and keep them engaged to buy more from you. This way you can increase your repeat purchases, drive overall sales, and also attract new customers.

We hope this blog helped you in your research to find the best rewards and loyalty program apps for Shopify in 2022. These apps were ranked based on their reviews, ratings, pricing, features, customer support, and other subjective parameters.

If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to reach out to us via Remember to subscribe to our newsletter 📧 for alerts on more Shopify guides.

Written by
Abishek Baskaran
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